Each nation is at its turn host for the forum. The members of the IC are representing for each nation the rotorcraft national industry and the national academia.
The ERF IC composition is a guarantee to set each year the high level scientific and technic presentations (by the permanence of the members)
Mr. A. Le Pape (Arnaud)
Chemin de la Hunière, BP 80100, 92123 Palaiseau Cedex, France
Email: arnaud.lepape@onera.fr
Mr. T. Krysinski* (Tomasz)
Airbus Helicopters.,
F-13725 Marignane Cedex, France
Email: tomasz.krysinski@airbus.com
Mr. R. Heger (Rainer)
Airbus Helicopters GmbH,
Industriestraße 4-6, D-86607 Donauwörth, Germany
Email: rainer.heger@airbus.com
Dr. K. Pahlke* (Klausdieter)
DLR Program Directorate Aeronautics, Lilienthalplatz 7,
D-38108 Braunschweig, Germany
Email: klausdieter.pahlke@dlr.de
Mr. L. Medici* (Luca)
Leonardo Helicopter division,
via Agusta, Cascina Costa, I-21017 Samarate – Varese, Italy
Email: luca.medici@leonardocompany.com
Prof. P. Masarati (Pierangelo)
Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology,
Politecnico di Milano, I-20156 Milano, Italy
Email: pierangelo.masarati@polimi.it
The Netherlands
Mr. S. van ‘t Hoff* (Stefan)
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR,
P.O. Box 90502, NL-1006 BM Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Email: stefan.van.t.hoff@nlr.nl
Mr. S. Topczewski* (Sebastian)
Warsaw University of Technology,
Warsaw, Poland
Email: sebastian.topczewski@pw.edu.pl
Mr. P. Capone* (Pierluigi)
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Technikumstrasse 71, Postfach, 8401 Winterthur
Email: capo@zhaw.ch
United Kingdom
Mr. A. Irwin (Alan)
Leonardo Helicopters
Lysander Road, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2YB, United Kingdom
Email: alan.irwin@leonardo.com
Mr. N. Taylor* (Neil)
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Portsdown Hill Road, Fareham, Hampshire, PO17 6AD, United Kingdom
Email: nrtaylor@dstl.gov.uk
*country representative